Upcoming Events
Stay up to date on all the church-wide events and outreaches!
MidWeek Disicipleship
Join us Wednesday Evening at 7 PM for MidWeek Discipleship!
In His Image Retreat
Ladies mark your calendars. You do not want to miss this special retreat with Elaine Furr on January 12th & 13th. Cost is $15 per person. Contact Pastor Britta if you have any questions!
Sunday Morning
Join us Sunday Morning for pre-service prayer at 8:30 and Sunday Service at 9 am!
Family Faith Night
Join us for Family Faith Night on Friday, January 26th at 7 PM with the Evansville Thunderbolts. Iron Mens Ministry would like to invite all families of Dayspring to come out and fellowship together with a hockey game at the Ford Center. Make sure to get signed up today!

Prayer Meeting
Join us Sunday Evenings for our weekly Prayer Meeting from 6-7 PM.
MidWeek Disicipleship
Join us Wednesday Evening at 7 PM for MidWeek Discipleship!
In His Image Retreat
Ladies mark your calendars. You do not want to miss this special retreat with Elaine Furr on January 12th & 13th. Cost is $15 per person. Contact Pastor Britta if you have any questions!
Sunday Morning
Join us Sunday Morning for pre-service prayer at 8:30 and Sunday Service at 9 am!
Family Faith Night
Join us for Family Faith Night on Friday, January 26th at 7 PM with the Evansville Thunderbolts. Iron Mens Ministry would like to invite all families of Dayspring to come out and fellowship together with a hockey game at the Ford Center. Make sure to get signed up today!

Prayer Meeting
Join us Sunday Evenings for our weekly Prayer Meeting from 6-7 PM.
MidWeek Disicipleship
Join us Wednesday Evening at 7 PM for MidWeek Discipleship!

Ladies Christmas Party
Ladies, mark your calendars for our Christmas Party on Sunday, December 3rd - 6 PM at the Family Life Center!
Sunday Series
Join us Sunday Morning for our new service time 9:00 AM!
Christmas Compassion
Compassion Cards are now available! If you take a card, PLEASE RETURN THE CARD attached to the gift by Wednesday, December 12th.

Prayer Meeting
Join us Sunday Evenings for our weekly Prayer Meeting from 6-7 PM.
Worship Team Chrismas
Join us for the Worship & Tech Team Christmas Party on Saturday December 9th at 5 PM!
MidWeek Disicipleship
Join us Wednesday Evening at 7 PM for MidWeek Discipleship!

Ladies Christmas Party
Ladies, mark your calendars for our Christmas Party on Sunday, December 3rd - 6 PM at the Family Life Center!
Sunday Series
Join us Sunday Morning for our new service time 9:00 AM!
Christmas Compassion
Compassion Cards are now available! If you take a card, PLEASE RETURN THE CARD attached to the gift by Wednesday, December 12th.

Prayer Meeting
Join us Sunday Evenings for our weekly Prayer Meeting from 6-7 PM.
Worship Team Chrismas
Join us for the Worship & Tech Team Christmas Party on Saturday December 9th at 5 PM!