Strive Youth is our ministry for 6th grade through 12th grade.
As a middle/high schooler, you’re invited to attend our midweek service at the Family Life Center. Strive Youth plans a variety of events and gatherings throughout the year where you’ll be able to connect with other students, have some fun, and have a chance to talk about and own your faith.
We believe our teens aren't just the church of tomorrow—they're the church of TODAY. Strive Youth is designed to help middle school and high school students grow their faith, their character, and their relationships. We meet regularly through small groups and seasonal events. Keep scrolling to check out our upcoming events.
When We Meet
Strive youth meets every Wednesday Night at the Family Life Center from 7-8 PM. We also have TRIBE Nigh (small groups) on the first Wednesday of each month.
For weekend services, we meet downstairs for the discipleship hour.

Upcoming Events

Fine Arts
It’s almost that time again for Fine Arts! This year, Fine Arts will be on April 12th and 13th in Lafayette, IN. If you have any questions, contact Pastor Britta, Pastor Seth, or Nathan Craven.

2024 Teen Camp
All middle and high school students are invited to join us for Teen Camp Week 4!​
A Message From Pastor Britta
The Word of God is full of examples of God personally stepping into a generation and doing the miraculous. I mean, can you imagine what it would have been like to watch God part the Red Sea!? How in the world could you ever forget what God did for you? But they did. And in one of the most unbelievable passages in Scripture (Judges 2:10) it tells us another generation arose who knew not the Lord, nor the works he had done for Israel. How does that happen? How do you grow up in a home with parents or grandparents who saw God part the Red Sea (and so many other incredible things), but they failed to mention it? The Bible is clear that a generation arose and they knew not the Lord nor any of the works he had done for Israel. Not on our watch!
Strive Youth is all about students not just knowing about Jesus, but we want them to know Him personally! We also want them to be well acquainted with all of the great things He has done!
We align our core values with the AG youth ministries:
We want students to be Gospel-Centered: Studying the Scripture causes us to become more like Jesus.
We also want students to be Spirit Empowered: God’s spirit illuminates the truth of Scripture to transform hearts, expose sin, and invite us into God’s purpose.
Lastly, we want students to be Personally Responsible: A personal decision to engage with the Bible prepares us to share the Gospel with those that need Jesus!
Pastor Britta Burgan